
Honeywell Purge Light Blinking? [Solved]

Is the purge light on your Honeywell mini zone controller blinking? If so, you may be wondering what it means and how to reset it. In this guide, we will explore the reasons why the purge light on your Honeywell  might be blinking and provide you with effective troubleshooting tips  to fix this issue.

In many cases, when a Honeywell purge light is blinking, this usually means the discharge air sensor is not attached or has failed on a honeywell zone system. Even though the  purge light will flash, the system still remains operational just that it won’t have any low temperature or high temperature limit capability.

Causes for blinking purge light on Honeywell

Discharge air sensor is not attached Attach the discharge air sensor
Discharge air sensor has failedReplace the discharge air sensor
Discharge air sensor is loosely connectedSecurely connect and tighten the sensor
Defective zone controller boardReplace the controller board

Discharge sensor not attached

Ensure that the discharge air temperature sensor is connected to the DATS terminals. Ensure also that the discharge air temperature sensor (DATS) is properly wired to the panel as shown in  diagram below.( for a Totalzone controller.)

Failed Discharge Air sensor

If the sensor seems to be  properly and securely connected but the purge light keeps  blinking, you may have a failed discharge air sensor. In that case you might want to get a replacement to fix the problem.

Read also: Honeywell hz311 troubleshooting Red Light [SOLVED]

More issue that can cause the purge light to flash

You may also see the purge light if you have two different zones calling for two different modes. That is, one for heat and the other for the air conditioner.

The system may purge between calls. But note also that some zoning will purge for a period of time after a call for either heating or cooling. 

You may have  to check in the manual to see what the sequence of operation is for your particular zoning control.

Troubleshooting steps for the blinking page light on Honeywell

To be sure all zones are calling for cooling. 

Try doing the following:

  1. Press the purge override and verify air flow on all zones.
  2.  If one is still not working verify the board is sending voltage to that damper.
  3. A meter is a huge help but if all lights are on chances are the damper is stuck. You should be able to free it up but it will just happen again.
  4.  Either replace the damper motor, replace the damper or if you can figure out if it is a “spring open” damper, get it open and unhook the wire to that zone. 

This will keep it open at all times because it can not “power close”. Provided that zone CAN stay open all the time

If you are sure that all  wires are properly connected and your thermostats  are working properly when it comes to heating and cooling, in that case you may have a bad panel board. 

Read also: How to Fix Honeywell Thermostat Red Light

Final thoughts

To  wrap it up,  if you find the purge light on your Honeywell mini zone controller blinking, it indicates a potential issue with the discharge air sensor or other components of the system.

 Remember to ensure that the discharge air sensor is securely attached and consider replacing it if necessary. Additionally, check for any loose connections and malfunctioning components such as the zone controller board. 

If all else fails, reach out to a local professional for assistance.

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